Kathleen Johnson, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist


Savor the Flavor of Eating Right

March is National Nutrition Month, brought to you by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. This year we want you to Savor the Flavor of Eating Right – take time to enjoy different flavors, textures, and social experiences that food creates.

Too often we get busy, skip meals, and eat mindlessly – slow down, take time to establish a routine and practice mindful eating. Easier said than done? Not true - everyone can find room to make a change. Number 1 is eat breakfast! Give yourself the fuel your body needs to power through the morning. This will prevent you from becoming starving later on and over eating.

Are the mornings rushed? Try prepping the night before. My favorite trick is making overnight oats – ½ cup oats mixed with ¾ cup milk of choice and 1 Tbsp. flaxseed, topped with your favorite fruit and/or nut butter. My favorite combination is PB + raisin – but banana is also a winner!

Here are some other healthy tips to start the month off right:

1.       Make half your plate fruits and vegetables

2.       Watch portion sizes

3.       Be active

4.       Stay hydrated

5.       Teach yourself to cook with new foods and flavors

Check back in throughout the month and I will explore more tips and tricks. For now, start cooking! Share your recipes online with #SavorTheFlavor.