Kathleen Johnson, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist

Nutrition Support and Coaching

Gestational Diabetes

Have you received THE CALL that says you 'failed' the glucose tolerance test?


This immediately sends you into a spiral of 'what did I do wrong?', and you cut out ALL the carbs.

Well I am here to tell you that it does not have to be this way.

If you have been told you have gestational diabetes this does not mean you cannot have a healthy pregnancy, birth, and baby. It does not mean you have to give up carbs.


I work exclusively with gestational diabetes (GDM) mamas-to-be, helping them feel confident about their pregnancy and food choices.


I give women back the confidence in their food choices. I help them enjoy all foods. I help them understand the relationship food has to blood sugar.


Let’s work together to nourish your body, get your blood sugar on the right track, and FEEL GREAT!

You deserve it, mama!

Let me help you have the best pregnancy possible.